Table of Contents
Steel, iron or
aluminum boats float because the water displaced by the shape of
the hull equals the weight of the metal hull and whatever is
aboard. If you squeezed a baking pan into a cube of metal it
would sink because it does not displace it own weight in the
water. Left in the pans original shape, it would not only float
but would float if a brick was added to the pan because the
weight of the two objects would still be less than the maximum
displacement of the pan.
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A boat is
designed so it is stable in the water or it will tip and
capsize. The weights and free surface liquids must be contained,
distributed and separated on a boat so their influence will not
upset the balance. If we use the baking pan again we can
illustrate how this works.
If the brick is
moved to one end of the pan the freeboard or amount
of the pan above the water is dramatically reduced
and the pan is in danger of swamping and sinking. |
If the
brick is moved back and stood on end its gets even
worse because more weight is at the end and it is
higher. This will act as a lever in wave action and
put the lip under. |
head-on to the pan in wave action the brick weight
hasn't really shifted much and will not have much of
an effect on stability. |
In this
illustration the brick (weight) has been raised on a
bracket. This places the weight farther to the pans
low side increasing the lean in wave action.
The momentum of the weight adds to the effect. |
Did you ever try to
carry a baking pan half full of liquid? It is very
difficult because the wave action of the free
surface liquid makes it spill from the pan as you
walk and you can feel the weight of the water
pulling from side to side. This is what could happen
to a boat at sea with large partially full tanks. |
If you
separated the liquid into smaller compartments
similar to an ice cube tray the free surface is
minimized or contained and it is easy to carry as
there is virtually no weight shift. Small, full
tanks actually help to stabilize a boat in wave
action. |
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The short
answer is: A barrel is a measurement of 42 gallons and a drum is
55 gallons in the marine and oil industry.
Barrels were usually made of wood staves and depending on the
liquid carried in them came in various standard sizes. Drums are
made of steel and can be used for any type of liquid but in the
marine field are usually used to deliver lubricating oils and/or
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Tonnage. Sometimes termed deadweight carrying capacity, is the
difference between the light and loaded displacements of a ship
or barge. The Deadweight tonnage comprises the cargo, stores,
ballast, fresh water, fuel oil, passengers, crew and their
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Gross tonnage
is a measure of the internal capacity of a ship, tug or barge.
It is a cubic or space measurement of all areas of a vessel with
some allowances or deductions for exempt spaces such as living
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Net tonnage is
a measure of the internal capacity of a ship, tug or barge's
cargo space volume only.
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tonnage is the weight of the ship itself. The hull, machinery
and all its fittings. Fuel, stores and crew are not included.
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Samuel Plimsoll,
a British merchant and shipping reformer campaigned for this
mark to prevent ships from being overloaded and lost at sea. His
idea became law in Britain in 1875. The mark, a circle with a
horizontal line through the center was painted on both sides of
a ship. In order to keep their insurance a ship could not load
deeper then this line. Until then a large number of ships would
sink every year as owners and captains overloaded their ships to
stay competitive. An International Load Line was adopted by 54
nations in 1930 and amended in 1968.
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letters on the horizontal line through the center of the circle
stand for the classification society, i.e.; AB is the
American Bureau of Shipping, LR would be for Lloyds
Register of Shipping, etc. The letters on the ladder lines to
the side of the circle are as follows; TF is Tropical
Fresh Water, F is Fresh Water, T is Tropical, S
is Summer Season, W is Winter Season and WNA is
Winter North Atlantic.
Depending on what waters the ship is in at the time of loading,
it cannot load above the corresponding mark.

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